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Cloud Computing in Healthcare: Looking for Security Advantage?

Cloud Computing in Healthcare: Looking for Security Advantage?

Cloud technology is leaving no stone unturned!

Irrespective of market size and portfolio, every organization is looking at ‘Cloud’ as a next-level opportunity for enhancing productivity.

Healthcare is one sector that has been at the forefront of adopting every new technology and now doing the same with ‘Cloud technology‘.

Why Cloud Adoption in Healthcare?

The global healthcare cloud is expected to a USD 35 billion market by 2022, growing 11.6 percent annually.

By adoption, 83 percent of the healthcare sector is currently using the Cloud for their core operations.

More data control for patients, and reduced maintenance burden and cost savings on the organization’s side are contributing to the rise of cloud adoption in healthcare.

Other factors that support cloud adoption in healthcare are:

1) Streamlined Data Access

Gathering patient data has been a tedious task. With all data uploaded on the Cloud, health professionals now find it easier to trace a patient’s health record and make informed decisions.

2) Data Storage and Management

Storing and maintaining vast volumes of data naturally demands more support staff, software and IT hardware, leading to additional expenditure. Now, the Cloud does it all for you, cutting down your extra costs.

3) Data Backup and Recovery

Data loss is the most horrifying aspect of any company today. Here, the Cloud presents an advantage with timely backups and recovery options, minimizing the chances of critical data loss.

3) Smart Data Potential

Cloud facilitates usage of smart data solutions like big data and machine learning that improve abilities to identify, differentiate, predict and respond to data needs, quickly.

4) Data Interoperability

Wearable devices, IoT-enabled devices and online health tracking apps, together in Cloud, proved the advantage of data interoperability in healthcare.

5) Better Information, Better Treatment

Before the dawn of technology and, more importantly, the internet, the healthcare industry was about cupboards and desks with thousands of files. Fast forward to the 21st century, these files are now available on computers and are easily transferable to multiple locations people with the help of the Cloud.

Handwritten documents can make physicians vary in taking the next steps and it may be painful to juggle between several files spread across a table for analyzing multiple records. With cloud-based applications, data analysis becomes secure and error-free, and physicians can make informed decisions for patients depending on that data.

6) Extensive Research is Good Research!

Cloud computing services are making doctors and health experts provide world-class solutions. Big data is shared and accessed from multiple sites. It is quickly processed into concise, easy-to-refer information through user-friendly cloud applications that help analysts make sound judgments and provide well-guided treatments.

7) Telehealth Services

Time-saving opportunity for both patients and medical professionals contributes to the rise of online health consulting and seamless remote healthcare support. Cloud is at the heart of telehealth services.

Cloud Computing in Healthcare

With many such benefits around cloud adoption, many healthcare providers are migrating critical healthcare processes to the Cloud, majorly:

  • Health Information Exchange
  • Patient Engagement
  • Back Office Solutions
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
  • Data Computing and Analysis
  • PACS storage

Data and Statistics

Expected CAGR of global healthcare Cloud market towards 2024

USD 51.4 Billion
Estimated size of the North American healthcare cloud market by 2024

Of cloud services in healthcare at a medium-high security risk

94 Million
Total healthcare records exposed in the last 12 months

USD 50
Average cost of an individual health record

Of cloud services in use meet compliance and security norms

8 TB
Data an average health provider uploads to the cloud/month

Of healthcare services support multi-factor authentication

Cloud Security Remains a Challenge!

Cloud Security Remains a Challenge!

Despite the above advantages, many companies are still doubtful about migrating to the Cloud. Why? The answer is ‘Cloud Security’ challenges, which majorly include:

1) Data Theft or Loss

Given the sensitivity of patient data and other crucial medical records, it’s imperative to be extra cautious about the safety of Electronic Health Records (EHR). While there exist solutions like blockchain, data encryption and Identity Access Management (IAM), cyber threats are fast emerging on the opposite side!

2) Meeting Regulatory and Compliance Norms

Any healthcare data or related applications, including that hosted on the Cloud, should comply with the data regulatory laws like HIPPA Compliance, GDPR, among others.

3) Unexpected System Downtimes

Despite backup and recovery options, unexpected system downtimes pose a severe threat to stored records. This is when you require a proper Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (DR) plan.

Securing the Protected Health Information (PHI) and Social Security Number (SSN) continue to be the most pressing concerns for healthcare providers in migrating to the Cloud.

In some of the significant 2018 healthcare security breaches:

  • Three phishing attacks exposed 20,000 patient records in Catawba Valley
  • Two phishing attacks exposed 21,000 records in Minnesota DHS
  • A ransomware attack in Hawai exposed 40,800 patient records
  • Another incident exposed 4 lakh records at Augusta University

Many such security breaches, exposed and unexposed, have caused considerable losses to the healthcare industry in the US and globally, driving worries over migrating to cloud platforms.

Are you stuck at this worrying point? The right partner in place can alleviate your cloud-related concerns with ease!

Why Veritis?

Success Veritis

Veritis is in the industry for more than a decade, dealing with almost every emerging challenge that clients approach us for.

We hold a unique advantage in our cloud service offering!

Veritis has a team of cloud professionals with deep subject matter expertise in dealing with different cloud models and executing effective business continuity plans. We help customers witness the real benefits of cloud solutions that are backed by effective cloud governance.

The excellence we deliver gave us remarkable progress in the US IT market, making us affiliates to some of the world’s leading cloud service providers like AWS and Hashi Corp.

ALSO READ: Lift and Shift: An Essential Guide

We serve industries across various US locations, including California, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Texas,  and more.

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